Mon Jun 10 2024
La Conférence de Montréal
Lancée en 1994 par le Forum économique international des Amériques (FEIA), la Conférence de Montréal (CDM) rassemble des décideurs de toutes les sphères de la société pour aborder..
Acorn Interactive designs software systems to solve real world problems. Our mission is to empower industry leaders through technology and data to create clarity in their decision making.
Acorn Interactive is interdisciplinary. We think systems, and understand how creativity informs functional user experiences. User experience make software experiences desirable, while at the same time constructing methodologies for data capture, and data processing. Our work is deeply collaborative. Our work is team work. Acorn continuously works to source the best tools, techniques, talent, and technologies for your use case. Acorn is here to deliver software solutions that you need.