The Conference of Montréal

Allô Montréal!

It has been an incredible month getting reacquainted with your beautiful city! I've been working closely with team members Nick Prescott and Samuel Verreault, enjoying overdue in-person time (more on this later in the post)!

We're thrilled to be part of The Conference of Montréal, where we'll continue to build connections, gain insight, and turn challenges into new opportunities.


So what is it?

From the conference’s website:

"The Conference of Montreal (CDM) is an international conference organized by the International Economic Forum of the Americas (IEFA). It welcomes over 200 speakers and several thousand attendees from all over the world. Launched in 1995, the CDM brings together decision-makers from all spheres of society to address the most pressing issues of our time. From modest beginnings, the Conference of Montreal has become an internationally recognized multi-day event anticipated by world leaders, academics, and more"

Chats, handshakes, and onto fundamentals...

For Acorn, introductions are essential when attending events like CDM. We use this valuable time to listen to and speak with professionals and leaders from diverse backgrounds - a critical first step in deciphering how to contribute our talents to pressing issues.

We are systems thinkers, digital designers, software developers, and strategists. Organizations come to us because they need tools to manage their operational complexity.

We always get asked "so where do we start?"

Acorn's discovery process allows us to understand our clients' current position and chart a path to their digital development. In short, with our interdisciplinary team, we build a foundation. Collaborating with our clients in this initial phase is critical to tailoring our competencies and areas of knowledge to their needs.

Participating in CDM is essential because Montréal is a critical player in shaping Canada's future economy. As a high-activity, high-quality event, it offers lenses into challenges we can tackle that businesses, organizations, and municipalities are having.

And now, a good segue back to Samuel and Nick!

Samuel has been attending events across the continent to build our company relationships, identify areas of alignment, and engage with investors across various fields. His goal is to position Acorn for operational stability and long-term growth so we can best serve our next economy and Canada.

Come say hello!

Meanwhile, Nick has been working hard to enhance our existing clients' user experience and visual design paradigms. He's also been supporting Samuel in developing our pitch and sales collateral.

Nick Prescott, the brilliantly talented visual presence of Acorn Interactive. There are really few surprises as to why he chooses to call Montreal home.

We are so excited to meet everyone at the conference over the coming days and can't wait to find areas of alignment where Acorn can support your unique business needs and objectives.

In other news

Acorn is well underway with our transition from team and capacity building and onto the particularities of client work, and phase based fulfillments.

Our client projects can be isolated into generalizable phases, each of which can be isolated and tracked for time, costs, and commitments.

No matter where you are on your digital journey,

Acorn Interactive will be there to support your organization to get production ready, or extend current capabilities with new layers of functionality. Take a look at our services, and stay tuned. We plan to be modernizing and updating our service provisions within the coming year.

Currently we are working in the mobility healthcare space performing inventory management and Point of Sale (POS) integrations between existing (and comprehensive) digital services and connecting these tools into a modern e-commerce framework and Client Resource Management (CRM) tool, on top of a digital and user experience redesign. With all of the moving pieces on a digital initiative, this is exactly why we focus so heavily on planning and preparations like comprehensive systems diagramming exercises.

Let's get started.

We're also in the midst of an amazing non profit initiative.

We'll be sharing details when the timing is right, but the same principles apply to both projects. By consolidating our clients core requirements in discovery through digital consultation, collaborating with our clients subject matter experts, and transitioning business objectives and core priorities into phased based approached to project management, Acorn is set to release a WordPress based environmental advocacy, ecological awareness, indigenous focused, and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) enhanced web application capable of capturing donations, synchronizing with a CRM system, publishing dynamic contents with WordPress Gutenberg, and housing the vast and breathtaking layers of beautiful British Columbia's ecology into an interactive mapping experience.

We're so excited to meet everyone this week at the CDM, and look forward to continuing sharing details about our times on the road, while providing updates on our client fulfillments as our organization matures.

Whether it's starting fresh, enhancing your existing software systems, or cleaning up some loose ends on your existing application(s), let's put our heads together, and get to work.